A New Cycling Hazard

There is a new hazard for cyclists that has been brought to my attention.
The chances of anyone experiencing this is remote, but never the less it would be remiss of me if I didn’t pass on this information.
It is a strange phenomenon known as Spontaneous Cyclo Combustion. (SCC.) It is similar to Spontaneous Human Combustion (SHC.) but is relatively new.
The first recorded case took place in Southern Italy in 1985, whereas SHC has been around for hundreds of years.
Since the late 1990s there has been a rapid increase in the reported cases, in the last two years there were four incidents in the US alone. Two in Arizona, one in Nevada, and one Southern California. SCC seems to be more prevalent in hot, dry climates.
Prior to last year, in all known cases, the victims of SCC for some unknown reason, had all been riding alone. In each case the cyclist’s charred remains were found, usually a short distance from their bicycle, as if they had dropped their bike and tried to run from the source of heat before being totally consumed by fire.
However, in one of the Arizona incidents last year there was a witness. Two cyclists, let’s call them Tom and Brad. Tom is deceased, Brad wishes to have his name withheld for reasons that will become apparent. The two were riding in the desert somewhere north of Scottsdale, when Tom the stronger rider dropped Brad on a long climb.
By the top of the hill, Tom was some 300 yards ahead. Brad looked up and saw a bright glow ahead. At first he thought it was a trick of the sun on the hot asphalt, but then he heard cries for help from his friend. By the time Brad reached his friend, his bike lay by the roadside and Tom was fully engulfed in flames some thirty feet away.
Brad grabbed his water bottle and ran to help his friend. However, the heat was so intense he could only get within ten feet of the fire, and in less than a minute all that remained of Tom was a heap of smoldering black ash.
Brad called 911 and while he waited for the police and EMS he took pictures with his cell phone. When the police arrived Brad was promptly arrested on suspicion of murdering his friend. He was held for several days then interviewed by the FBI. After the interview, he was allowed to go home but never told that he was cleared of any wrongdoing. Which is why Brad wishes to remain anonymous.
On arriving home he discovered the pictures he took had been erased from his cell phone. It appears in such cases where some strange phenomenon occurs, our government becomes secretive, and suppresses information.
In the California incident, also last year, it is believed a cyclist who spontaneously combusted accidentally started one of the more serious wild fires that plagued that state. California fire investigators denied it, in what appears to be an official cover up. However, they did say if anyone should catch fire, to resist the urge to run into the surrounding chaparral.
So why the increase in cases of SCC in recent years? Scientists believe it is directly related to carbon fiber frames. It is believed that it is triggered by a buildup of static electricity caused by the friction between the plastic saddle, and the polyester fibers in the shorts.
The padding in the shorts is usually highly flammable which adds to the problem, and may even be the primary key in this whole SCC issue. It is like the cyclist is sitting on a fuse to a potential incendiary bomb.
With the cyclist firmly seated in the saddle, the heat quickly travels from the source, straight up through the core of the cyclist's body and the combustion spreads from the inside. A frightening prospect.
With the old steel frames this static electricity was constantly dispersed throughout the frame. A spokesman for Brooks Saddles in England said, " We have known about this for years, but were afraid to make it public because.......well......we might have appeared a little cuckoo."
He added, "It's the reason we increased the size of the copper rivets in our saddles. (Picture right.) Copper, as you know, is an excellent conductor of electricity and it directs the static electricity away from the danger zone."
So what can a cyclist do to avoid this slight but definite hazard, besides riding a steel frame with a Brooks saddle. Well help is on the way, manufacturers of plastic saddles and shorts are getting together to find which materials do not cause static build up.
It will be necessary to buy the correct shorts to go with a certain saddle. Each will have a warning label, and a code letter. (A, B, or C.) A type “A” saddle must be used with type “A” shorts, and it is not recommended that you mix code letters, or you may be actually be placing yourself at an increased risk.
These new saddles and shorts will not be available probably until early 2020. So what can a concerned cyclist do in the mean time? The incidents are so rare that I am not suggesting cyclists should become paranoid to the extent of carrying a fire extinguisher.
However, there are any number of proprietary flame retardant materials available, that you can use to treat the padding, and make your shorts fire proof. Or, you can simply keep the padding damp throughout your ride with water from your bottle.
There is a website with more information at BlazingSaddles.org

Reader Comments (7)
Best one so far today!
Good one Dave, Glad to see you are still in top form Cheers mate
And President Trump's promise to eliminate our national debt easily in eight years becomes more likely after providing lower taxes on the top 1%, reducing corporate tax rates to 21% and dramatically increasing spending for the military! SBC?
Why wait for April 1? It now occurs everyday.
Hi Dave,
April Fool !!!! Thank you. Too bad Jack has to bring in politics to your blog to spoil it.
In case you forgot Jack, the blog is about cycling !!!!!!!!! Lets talk about that and leave the politics out of here.
To add fire to the flames…
It can now be known, by the few, those followers and fellows of Dave’s Blog, that the copper saddle rivets of lore conduct electrons in a uniform direction away from The Source. Still theory, but evidence supports that when a cyclist uses adequate chamois cream, The Source (where you put the cream) produces positive energy (electrons) that travel down the steel seat tube, rotate anti-clockwise inside the bottom bracket shell, resulting in a magnetic field that assists bottom bracket rotation.
This phenomenon uses a cyclist’s assets (once thought to have only a supporting role) to aid in forward motion. It is rumored to be why hidden motors were needed in carbon frames. An interesting side is in the Southern Hemisphere the direction of the electrons rotate clockwise in the BB shell, thus providing resistance. This may explain why the Columbians were such a climbing force at the Coors Classic when Greg LeMond was starting his career.
This phenomenon partially occurred on my bike last week. It localized on the middle of my non-drive side crank arm. It did not end well for me.
This is why I like to pee myself as I ride...; Be Safe!