Precious moments, lost forever

Early on Friday morning someone mentioned on Twitter, there was a beautiful sunrise in the Charleston, SC area. I went to my kitchen window and opened the blinds to take a look.
Sure enough there was a spectacular, pink, grey, and vanilla yellow sky, against a pale blue background.
I saw it as a possible photo oppertunity and I ran to get my camera. I went outside, pressed the “on” button and nothing happened; the batteries were completely dead.
I ran back indoors, found fresh batteries, loaded them in the camera and hurried outside again. I was too late the beautiful sunrise was past its peak. All that was left was one yellow streak behind some trees.
I took three pictures anyway, and went back inside to bring them up on my computer screen; as I expected, there was nothing worth keeping and I deleted them.
Later that same morning, the person who had drawn my attention to the beautiful sunrise, wrote an article about her children and an incident with some blue chalk.
The piece took me back in time and thoughts of my own two daughters, now adults. I thought of how I had missed much of their childhood.
The reason for my absence as a father, I was busy with my framebuilding business, often working late into the evening hours.
By the time I got home they were long in bed, and asleep. I would see them briefly in the morning as they got ready for school, and I for work.
In spite of this we have a wonderful loving relationship that has lasted over the years. They both live in England, so I do not get to see them as often as I would like.
My initial feelings were of sadness and regret, wishing I had spent more time with my girls during those special childhood years.
Like last Friday’s sunrise, I missed my chance; so busy doing other things, like running around trying to get the camera set up, I even missed the chance to just stand there and take in the beauty of the moment.
However, one of the things I have learned in my life, it is pointless to dwell on the past. To wish I had chosen this path or that; like this sunrise, past moments are gone forever and I can never get them back.
Photos are nice to have, like the ones I have posted here, but even more treasured are the brief moments in my life that became memories and last forever.
The way I must view it is that when things are rarer they become even more precious

Reader Comments (6)
Totally with you, Dave. Well crafted. Thanks for the reminder.
Nothing better than closing your eyes, thinking of a happy memory and a genuine smile appearing on your face!
Nice post.
Off to close my eyes for a bit ;)
Nice writing Dave. Very poignant.
Thanks for being here Dave.
Thank you Dave, this is very touching to me. I am so glad I have a job I can see my son growing up.
Thanks Dave, for the reminder and for the site.
I'm working way too much and missing much of my 7 and 11 yo sons developing years. God Bless!