Friday Fun

1.) When Alfred chased down the motorist he was expecting a fight, but he turned out to be very understanding and they parted on friendly terms
2.) The Cycling Band was never really considered serious competition for the Marching Band
3.) Andre should have known that race number 13 was a bad omen
4.) "You were right, the clearance under my fork crown is tight."
5.) Jose knew his paper route was getting too big when he had to hire a second boy as a paper weight
6.) "Now what's this button here marked Ignition?"
Alternate captions welcome
Addendum 12/13/09
Picture #1 is Alf Letourneur (Six-Day rider during the 1930s.) who on May 18th, 1941 in California, near Bakersfield he set a new motor paced bicycle speed record of 108.92 mph.
His pace car driver was Ronney Householder who was a famous race car driver of his day. He went on to work and design cars for Chrysler-Plymouth in the 1950s and 1960s

Reader Comments (5)
who is the cyclist in the top picture (with the humongous chainring) and what was accomplished with this set up?
Considering the fairing with the little window on the back of the car, I'd guess they were working on paced speed.
Ryan and Eric,
It is Alf Letourner who on May 18th, 1941 in California, near Bakersfield he set a new motor paced bicycle speed record of 108.92 mph. Seen here with his pace car and driver.
I wrote about it here.
Someone is bound to ask, picture #4 is Swiss track rider Fritz Gallati. Belgium Six Day rider from the 1970s Willy DeBosscher was famous for this "nose on the tire" style of sprinting and may have copied it from Gallati whose professional career spanned from 1959 to 1965.
Have you ever thought of publishing a daily planner or calendar with pictures like these? Keep up the good work.
1)."The right hand turns should spark some interest you would think", said the motorist.
2). But the invention of the bell soon made them a distant memory.
3). A rear bicycle carrier was later developed.
4). "Did somebody say 'wall' or"fall'? Maybe I should look up and check."
5). "Telling the boss to give me a rise was not a good idea"
6). "Ya Fritz. You may light ze wurst cooken flame ven I shaken mine head'. Ahhh! Those pesky flies."