1.) CM has no structure or organization. No one is responsible for the yahoo element that behaves badly and spoils it for everyone. Let the police deal with the “Bad” element and don’t rush to their defense when they are handled roughly.
2.) I am always told CM is not a protest it is a “Celebration” of cycling. If it is a celebration then why hold it on a Friday evening when it causes maximum disruption? If it is early in the evening it disrupts people getting home from work. If it is held later it disrupts people going out for the evening. Friday night is always the biggest night out on the town for most people. Cyclists are a small minority of the general population and disrupting and inconveniencing others is no way to get people on the side of the cycling cause.
3.) If Critical Mass is a celebration, celebrate it on a Sunday morning when it is safer and there is less disruption to the lives of others. On a Sunday morning, CM could become a family type event that would actually attract people into cycling. The disruptive element would probably not participate because the event would lose its "Anarchistic" appeal.
I am fully aware that I am in the minority on this issue, and it is really a lost cause. But, so many cyclists cry and whine that everybody hates us and that the cops won’t investigate or prosecute motorists who endanger or injure cyclists, and yet no one is willing to step back and see the other person’s point of view. Mine or that of the general public.
Critical Mass is a boil on the backside of the pastime of cycling, those who started it created a monster that will be hard to stop.
Those who criticize me for speaking out and dismiss me as a “Grumpy Old Man,” should remember I have dedicated my whole life to bicycles and the cause of cycling, and I continue to do so by spending my time writing articles here.
At least allow me the right to rant once in a while about something that quite frankly pisses me off. I fully accept that it is your right to disagree, but remember I am on the side of the cause of cycling.
Now I’ll shut the fuck up
A storm in a Hollywood bowl
After watching this video taken during a recent L A Critical Mass ride, with the title, “Hollywood Cops Attack Bike riders,” I am left to wonder what all the fuss is about?
I had to watch the video several times to figure out what was going on. I see a police officer (On the far side of the street.) handcuffing a cyclist. I have no idea why, we are not told that, but let’s assume he has a reason. The cyclist appears to be cooperating.
The cop, when all is said and done, is doing his job. A man is filming this from across the street and bystanders are whistling and calling out abuse to the officers.
A second officer is then seen kicking out at the wheel of a passing cyclist. The guy filming (Or someone with him.) shouts, “What the fuck was that for.”
While I agree the officer was wrong in his actions, how much abuse will a cop take before he retaliates?
We have no way of knowing what the passing cyclist and others said to the cop that made him kick out.
Finally the last cyclist passes and the cops come across the guy recording the incident. He is knocked to the ground where he meekly asks, “What I do, what I do.”
Go to any city in the USA, stand and verbally abuse a police officer as he is arresting someone. I can practically guarantee the result will be the same. You will be wrestled to the ground, and possibly arrested yourself for interfering with an officer during the course of his duty.
As I see it, this whole thing is a non-incident. The guy doing the filming was hoping to catch some “Police Brutality” on video. He was doing his best to goad the cops into doing just that; the only “Brutality” I see, is a bike tire gets kicked.
It saddens me that respected bicycle advocates are running with this and pressing for a full investigation. Los Angeles is fortunate that it has a Police Chief who is pro cycling; don’t fuck it up by protesting something as trivial as this.
This is Critical Mass at its worst; an unorganized rabble who take over public streets and create mayhem, then cry foul when the cops try to bring some order.
L A bike advocates are also pressing their Police Chief to pursue motorists who endanger the lives of cyclists. Who is going to bring these motorists to justice?
These very same police officers and their colleagues that Critical Mass participants are goading into a fight right now.
Good way to make friends and influence people. Good way to get the cop on the street to be on your side.
What is your take on this incident?
Update, 2 PM, Thursday 17th June
I have just read on LA Streets Blog that the LAPD is going to join the next LA Critical Mass ride on June 25th.
It is interesting to read the comments on LA Streets Blog, people are already discussing whether or not there should be “Corking” of intersections. According to this flyer being passed out by LAPD there will be no running of red lights or stop signs. All bikes must have lights and brakes.
So bring your Visa to pay your ticket, I understand LAPD doesn’t take American Express