Dave Moulton

Dave's Bike Blog

Award Winning Site

More pictures of my past work can be viewed in the Photo Gallery on the Owner's Registry. A link is in the navigation bar at the top

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Thank you.

Join the Registry

If you own a frame or bike built by Dave Moulton, email details to list it on the registry website at www.davemoultonregistry.com

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 If you ask me a question in the comments section of old outdated article, you may not get an answer. Unless the article is current I may not even see it. Email me instead. Thanks Dave

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The Blog and Registry are up again

Last week the Dave Moulton Registry was off line. It seems the web hosts servers were attacked, a Fire Wall prevented any damage to the server, but it deleted the bike registry files.

Fortunately, they have back up files, and so after a few days of trying, the Registry was back up on Sunday morning.

I have had some people contact me offering help with the Registry and Blog, I have yet to follow upon all the leads.

Looking at bikes for sale on eBay, I am amazed to see my brands listed as high as high as $3,000 or $4,000.00. which is far more than I was paid when the bike was new. These prices are NOT what they are worth, but they are listed at what the seller hopes they can get.

If you do pay anywhere near these prices, make sure the bike is in mint condition. Be patient and wait for the right one to come along. There are plenty out there, I built around 7,000.  

If you are selling and you are lucky enough to get three or four thousand, how about sending me a few of those dollars. (A twenty would be nice,) Because if it was not for me turning out a fine product to begin with, and for all the work I have done in educating and promoting the brand through this blog, and other platforms, that the bikes have any value.

Have aa great week. Dave

Reader Comments (6)

How are you

September 22, 2024 | Unregistered Commenterdownsteam

I was just thinking about you and wondering how you are doing and the state of the blog. Good to know that you are still around and I am still riding that yellow Colnago I bought from you many years ago. I also started reading your autobiography that you were so kind to give me a signed copy. I am so glad to see that you are carrying on as you are a true cycling treasure. Wishing you the best.

September 24, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterChristopher Bernique

Hi Dave, I hope all is well with you and Kathy I am now 91 in fair health and not riding much anymore, Marcia was in the hospital for a month with back surgery, she is doing OK now, but not able to walk a lot. We are Just living out whatever time we have left and trying to enjoy it. It is great that you can still do the Blog, and you have so many that enjoy it. Are you still able to travel at all? we hope to visit my 88-year-old sister in Hagley UK next year. All the best mate hang in there!! Cheers John Crump

September 24, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterJohn CrumpJ

Dave, I tried to help out and buy a book, but it would not go through?

September 25, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Crump

You are right about your bikes holding their value, but in general, the vintage bike market is way down, you can find vintage bikes with a full Campagnolo group for $500 the Groupo is worth that. I am glad that I have gotten rid of most of my bike collection and I now ride mostly the 2005 Mercian I had built to my specs. On another note, Marcia tried to order the joke book from you and the payment is pending? Please let us know.

September 26, 2024 | Unregistered Commenterjohn Crump

Hi Dave, Greg Fleming here, John Howard owner # 164. Hope you are well.

October 11, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterGreg Fleming

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