Will I get fooled again?

One of the greatest comments on the political process in my view is Pete Townsend’s lyrics to “Won’t get fooled again.”
I’ll Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
And I'll get on my knees and pray...
We don't get fooled again
In many ways the whole Contador/Did he, didn’t he dope scandal reminds me of the lead up to an election, with the pundits speculating the outcome.
Often, when an election comes down to a choice of two people I am left to wonder, “Is this the only choices I have? Is this the best you can offer me?” The choice between a Dick Head and a Doofus.
If Contador is found guilty, his Tour de France win was a sham, he won by cheating. If he is found not guilty, I will wonder, is it a cover up? This is the choices I have; neither is good. There are no winners in this whole bloody mess, and the biggest loser is the sport of cycling.
So with apologies to Pete Townsend:
I’ll get on my bike and ride
While the powers that be decide
Then I’ll get on my knees and cry
Did I get fooled again?
Reader Comments (11)
Absolutely spot on, Dave. The doubt will now always be there.
…and while Townsend was singing about politicians, pro sports were morphing. Politics has always been about the money. There used to be little money in pro sports. Then sports got bigger and politicians smelled green.
I didn’t hear nor think much about drugs and cycling in the 70’s, yet I aspired to ride like the pros. I still do. But big money gets the government’s attention. Thus the attempts at drug oversight are merely a political ploy to appear responsible to voters.
Just wait till the drugs athletes use become biologic (not chemical): they will affect change at the genetic level. Think there’ll be tests to disallow genetically superior athletes?
Sports are entertainment and big business. Because of this, the pretense will always go on. Same with politics.
My suggestion for voting is that you vote for the person who 'you' think will move things towards what you would like. All candidates will be flawed. Currently the infulence of corporate money is all intrusive.
I just don't try to follow the sports too much or idolize the riders or players. I just ride and referee.
Honorable actions are something else lacking in the sport. I truly feel sorry that Jan Ullrich lived in Lance Armstrong's shadow but he stands head and shoulders above so many for abiding by gentlemen's agreements even though it may well have cost him a Tour victory. He is a rider I admire. As for the sport's governing bodies, both international and national, politics all to often play a part in what unfolds in the media and behind the scenes. It's a shame because it does indeed hurt the sport. I'm just thankful that judging on artistic performance and execution has not entered into the picture. Can you imagine the outcry if the sport were to be judged like figure skating? Point deductions for pedalling squares up L' Alpe d' Huez?
Cheating? Advantage? It's all semantics to me.
We as a society hold hands and jump off the bridge together.
Everyone wants a winner, racers, sponsors, television networks and yes, even us the spectators. Would a college education be considered cheating or an advantage to someone with no education at all? I for one think carbon fiber is cheating, but then again, what do I know? I suggest we stop micromanaging the world and wrestle the larger foe. Shameless, unbridled greed in general.
See, that's why we cant have nice things...
Locals only,
An interesting theory, but by your rules even training could be considered cheating. Maybe that is the answer, get rid of the athletes, grab unemployed people off the streets, put them on bikes and give them dope.
"grab unemployed people off the streets,
put them on bikes and give them dope."
It's too late...
Have you not ridden a bicycle in Los Angeles?
Dave, you rule!
keep up the good work. :)
Excellent comment Dave, and a beautiful riposte Locals. +1 for both.
I don't worry too much about doping in cycling, as Dave has pointed out elsewhere, its always been with us. Was it Merckx who replied that he doped "only when necessary"? And when the inevitable follow up came, replied "almost always."?
My heroes are not tainted by doping convictions/allegations (with the exception of Landis, whose actions during/post ban have been execrable). Jan, Ivan, Lance, Tyler riding the Tour with a broken collarbone. The sport remains beautiful.
Anyone who's read Joe PArkins books knows that doping was for a long time considered de rigeur in the peloton.
How come the Commonwealth Games announces positive dope tests immediately, even before the B sample is tested and pro cycling takes 2 months?
of course, you could stop following pro (insert sport here) and just ride your bike, kick a ball, etc. that is a choice more powerful than any listed.
sadly, it isn't so easy in politics - but focusing on local issues - is the town or city councilor really working in my best interest, is my state government (legislators, senators, etc.) really working on my behalf - would go a long way to choosing a better forum for ones energies.
same goes for cycling. instead of writing and wringing of hands over pro racers, teams, sponsors, and intrigue involving blood, dope, doctors, and trainers - the local advocacy group probably needs help. letters to the editor can be written, the kids darting out into traffic may not have a responsible (but cool adult - who built and raced bikes!) to look up to, someone down the road might be too afraid to take a long ride or commute by themselves and just needs some encouragement or a non threatening, non racerguy group to ride with, etc. etc.
From a recent entry on my blog, about the Ciclavia in Los Angeles:
With apologies to John Lennon:
Imagine there's no traffic,
It's easy if you try.
No pavement below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one