What’s your sign?

This picture was on a Mothers’ Day card that caught my eye in a Target store. The caption inside reads, “Thanks for always covering my back.”
I started thinking, what would my sign say? Probably something like this:
“Thank you for your patience. Normal passage will be resumed when it is safe to pass. Please proceed with caution, and try to have a nice day.”
What would your sign say? In case you are wondering, this is just a little frivolity; I am not seriously suggesting we carry cardboard signs on our backs.
To make it interesting I’ll give signed copies of my book to the three I like the best. Entries will close on Monday, 28th April 23, 2008.
Keep it clean, unless it’s really funny, in which case a little obscenity will be excused. Post as a comment, and email me separately.
If you are interested, Mothers’ Day is on May 11th in the US; the date may be different in other countries.

Reader Comments (47)
My sign: Dude, have mercy!
Pass with Care.
Today's Spirit, Tomorow's Solution
Pass with Care & Pride
You're Once This Active
Ride-Drive with Care
Mother's Little Helper
Let Me Stay This Way
Having raised four sons on bikes I have many others...maybe I'll send separately.
Were it a sign for me it would go: "I also drive a car, watch out I don't see you on a bike"
Police Officer
"You own a car
NOT the road"
Not powered by foreign oil.
Demonstrating the
importance of
not being seen
Is a Smith & Wesson
share the planet
pass carefully
and leave something to pass on
"If you were so important the state would have given you lights and a siren"
I yelled out "Yo" to get his attention.
The driver responded with the standard NYC greeting: "F*ck you!" .
I, of course, returned the greeting.
A block later we pull up next to each other at the traffic light at Delancey and Allen Streets.
He smiles, I smile and wave, he smiles back and waves.
No harm, no foul. And no reason to ruin a perfectly good day.
So maybe the sign for NYC should be "F*ck you if you're about to almost kill me, but have a nice day if you can read this message without having to tilt your head due to me lying on my side in the street."
I dunno. Too wordy?
1. "No meddling!
I'm peddling!
2. "Caution!
Spandex Crossing!"
I think putting something about the 3 feet rule is a good idea.
Or, I could just put "This bike is a Pipe bomb"
"Thanks for passing slowly and with extra room"
or a little more technical:
"Thank you for the legally mandated 3 foot passing distance"
"Don't make me
bleed on your car."
"If you can read this in English, thank a Marine."
"Pass carefully,
I'm chewing tobacco."
"Don't look back
in anger."
"Please pass safely"
"Riders attached to this sign are closer than they appear."
"Baby on board. I swear! It's in the backpack!"
"Stay back! What comes out of MY exhaust isn't pleasant either!"
"Warning: Rider may projectile vomit when startled."
"Spandex looks better on me,
not on your car"
I always thought Bill Green, S.C. accident lawyer, would make a great cycling team sponsor. Imagine one of his ads on the back of your jersey.
"In a wreck,
where's my check?"
You'll get there before I will anyway.
-Draft someone your own size!
-Ok,I'm a superdomestique. But a figgin car wasn't in the contract!
2) Better than your Prius.
I have contacted all those who emailed me. And yes it was a different email but you can use the original one you used or the one on my website if you wish.
Thanks to all who participated.
Have you ever seen Ben Hur?
My chariot has retractable tire shredders!
Protection and counter measures provided by Q Branch
Heads up! Deer crossing ahead!
Caution! Radioactive contamination risk with-in six feet!
Leper on board
The last guy who “grazed me” is doing 20 to life.
Thanks for the book Dave!
it's late I know.but I'm a slow thinker..great blog, I really enjoy it.
emanuel, barcelona.
show my housewife
great page