The Garage Sale Fuso

In a recent blog, Still bargains to be found out there, I wrote about a Fuso bike picked up at a garage sale.
Mark Worden who found this one sent me these pictures.
Built twenty years ago in 1987, the 30th Anniversary year, the bike was ridden for 2 years then sat in a garage for the next 18 years.
Amazingly, the bike was picked up for $75. Too small for him, a 55cm. Mark passed it on to a friend.
The bike came with sprint wheels and tubular tires, which Mark kept; the wheels seen here are temporary. The new owner is awaiting a new set of wheels. It makes me feel good that another Fuso has been liberated and is being ridden.
The beauty of these bikes is in the way they ride, and they need to be ridden to be appreciated.
Tip: The white decal panels on these frames are adhesive Mylar, clear coated over with multiple clear coats; they are normally very durable.
However, do not, repeat, do not let a bike store mechanic clamp the frame in a work stand, placing the clamp over the decal. It will permanently mark the white panel.

Reader Comments (4)
No regrets about shelling out $325 for my Fuso frame. Still, I can't help but imagine all the cool components I could find for the frame for $250.
Mark Worden