Looking Forward

Looking forward to 2008 and the future, I intend to keep this blog going.
I recently went past posting number 200; it has become increasingly difficult to write more technical stuff, even though this is what everyone wants, because I have covered many aspects of it already. History is less limited, so there will be more of that, I’m sure.
Industry people are starting to notice the blog. A major publisher, (Crown Publishing.) has just sent me a pre-release copy of “Major.” The life story of Major Taylor, by Todd Balf.
A book from a major publisher by a New York Times best selling author, (Who happens to be a cyclist.) will introduce a lot of people to Major Taylor, and to the history of the sport of cycling. I will be reading the book this coming month and posting a review probably around February when the book goes out on release.
I am looking forward to continuing riding my bike, and improving my level of fitness even more. I am a firm believer that the higher the level of fitness, the greater the riding pleasure. The greater the riding pleasure, the more a person is apt to ride, and so the whole process is self-perpetuating, after reaching that certain level.
My accident left me more aware and cautious, but not fearful of riding in traffic. I cannot allow fear to stop me from doing what I love. Some have a fear of flying, when logically the chances of dying in a plane crash are so slight that a person may as well discount it altogether.
The same with riding a bike. There is more likelihood of dying in an automobile than on a bike, and yet we feel safer in a car. One needs to rationalize that danger is perceived rather than actual. In over 55 years of riding, I have had two serious accidents on a bike (My first in 1970.) so the chances of my having another are remote.
Death is inevitable; I may as well fear living. That is not bravado, it is thinking logically. The alternative is to not exercise, slowly deteriorate, live out my final years in pain, suffering, and humiliation, and then die.
It is important that I stay physically fit to have the energy and the physical ability to do all the other things I need to do. I feel that my best work is still ahead of me. Cycling is extremely important to me; however, it is not my entire life.
My main creative passion is now songwriting. The photo (by Joshua Curry.) at the top was taken recently at the Monday Songwriters’ Night, which takes place every week at the Sunfire Grill, in West Ashley, Charleston.
When my accident occurred last year, I was in the middle of recording a CD. Much of this project includes the songs, the lyrics of which are in my book. It was put on hold and one of my priorities is to return to the studio and finish it.
The CD will also be called Prodigal Child, and will compliment the book. The book title came from a song of that name. I feel this is somewhat unique, how many novels have a title song; or for that matter, how many people have written a novel and recorded a CD?
I want to close this piece by thanking all reading this for your continued support. Most hits come from the USA, but many from Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand. It is particularly satisfying to get so many readers from my native England. I get a fair number from countries like France, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Finland and more.
I also want to thank those who comment on the various postings; your highly intelligent and insightful comments add so much to the original article. I’m sure this brings readers back again to check out what is being said, and often sparks further comment.
It is satisfying when I get new comments on some of my older articles. I get an email every time a new comment is posted, so I do read them. For example, on the one about David Tesch that I wrote in December 2006, many people who knew him including his sister have since added their memories. Just last week someone who knew Dave from high school found the article and commented.
I can’t leave out my thanks to those who have bought my novel, Prodigal Child. I notice that Amazon.com has dropped the price again to $16.29; this is an extremely good deal for a quality hard cover book. My book is the only thing advertised here.
Blogging, as you may know is free, however, my archives page, which has been a huge success and I encourage you to use, is on my website. The website is also getting a large volume of traffic, and I have recently had to upgrade my web-hosting plan to deal with the increase. Those of you who have bought the book have helped offset some of that cost. So again, thank you.
As for the blog, I will keep writing, as long as you keep reading. It is a two-way street; it gives me a great deal of satisfaction, and forces me to write, thereby honing my writing skills. Just as building a lot of bicycle frames, improved my skill as a framebuilder. If others find my writings entertaining and informative, that is the ice cream on my apple pie.
I look forward to journeying into the next year with all of you as my riding companions. I wish you a happy and abundant New Year.

Reader Comments (9)
How many people have done that, plus have previously been one of the leading framebuilders of recent times?
Sir, you are a multi-talented individual, a true renaissance man. I too recently ordered your book, and I can’t wait to read it.