Not down to the cardboard tube yet

Here we are at the end of 2006; where did this year go?
Proof to me that life is like a roll of toilet paper; the closer you get to the end, the faster it goes.
Not that I consider I am near the end of my life; I still have a number of perforated sheets before I reach the cardboard tube.
To take the toilet roll/life analogy one step further, there will always be some shit along the way. The trick is to make sure it is over and done with, deal with it quickly, and start with a clean sheet tomorrow. Don’t keep dealing with the same crap over and over, it is a waste of energy, time (and paper.)
Anyway enough of this toilet bowl philosophy except to say that writing a blog is sometimes like writing on a public restroom wall; you wonder does anyone read it?
However, I recently discovered, a wonderful free little hit counter that tells how many people find and read a blog; it also gives an array of other useful stats. I was pleasantly surprised to find I get on average a hundred hits a day mostly from the US, but a fair number from just about every corner of the globe.
This blog has brought me many new friends and even hooked me up with some old ones. If my sometimes inane scribbling can entertain, enlighten, or give nourishment for your mind, then it is worthwhile. Your comments, questions, and suggestions are always welcome.
I wish you all a Very Happy New Year, and may 2007 bring you miles of smiles, joy, and abundance.

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